We have so many amazing events at the venue! Although extremely rare, occasionally, things can get out of hand. We're so lucky to book some super sweet families. Most of our couples hire professionals to help guide them through the logistics of these types of events.
At the end of the evening, the venue hires a janitorial company to come in and clean the venue in time for the next event which is usually the next day. They have to work quickly as they also clean for other venues too. So when they encounter extra work such as having to pick up fake rose petals, it will require extra time or helpers. The fees are invoiced and we pass this on to the client. The incurred expenses fee which was paid to the venue will be used to repay the cleaning company to fix or repair the damage caused from your event. Here are some of the fees they charge. The most common fees we see at our venue are marked with an asterisk. For informational purposes, the other fees are included so you'll know what to expect.
**Glitter, sequins or confetti 650.00
**Fake rose petals, leaves, etc 150.00 (please use real rose petals)
**Food and ice dumped onto the ground 150.00
Benches not returned to original positions 200.00
Chairs not stacked 5 high 150
Cake table or other furniture not returned to original positions
Damage to wooden table TBD
Vomit or other bodily fluids 200.00
Damage from taping aisle runner to the floor 300.00
Nails, tacks,tape command hooks, etc TBD (please do not attach anything to any surface of the venue including aisle runners)
Helium balloons 350.00
Damaged ceiling draping due to champagne sprays, food, etc 1000.00
Moving the wooden tables, this has happened once and the fee was around 2200.00 in damages.
Most of these items are industry standard meaning most venues do not allow these items. Your wedding planner or event manager can help you minimize damage to the facility.

The most common fees we see at our venue are marked with an asterisk. They can be prevented with a little more thoughtful planning. They don't happen very often since we actually have some amazing families that work especially hard to make their event an amazing experience. They are especially respectful to take care of the facility as to not cause damage for the next bride.
The more expensive items in this list simply comes from over serving alcohol. These types of damages usually happen at the end of the evening when people have had way too much to drink. The host did not monitor alcohol or hire a licensed bartender to monitor alcohol consumption. We are seeing couples trending towards alcohol-free weddings simply because of the initial cost to purchase the alcohol. Of course, the damage from allowing your guests to BYOB can have its own consequences.
In the end, the decision is yours. We simply provide the space.
Most venues require you to hire a licensed bartender. Our venue does not and it's probably one of the reasons you booked our facility. We want you to have fun as long as the building is not damaged. If things get out of hand, the janitorial company will need to do whatever they have to to get the facility ready for the next event. The fees will be passed along to you.
You have only paid the venue 400.00 in advance to pay for these items. If that amount is not enough to cover the damage, we can invoice you for the balance. The balance will be due 5 days after the event.
Thinking about hiring an event manager/wedding planner? Contact us for a list of planners we regularly see at the venue. You'll be in great hands!