Start by making your guests WANT to get out on the dance floor. Here are a few tips that will give your guests something to talk about for months.
The Space: Designate a generous-sized dance floor so guests have plenty of room. Everyone loves line dances and group dances and you’ll need tons of room since those are the types of dances with the best participation.
Table Layouts: Circling the dance floor with tables, gives all the guests a birds eye view of what they're missing on the dance floor. Leave plenty of room between tables and chairs for guests to be able to get to the dance floor from their table
Dance Props: Dance floor props are super popular. Glow sticks, ribbon wands give some additional courage to anyone with dance floor hesitation.
Lighting: Guests feel more compelled to get out on the dance floor when the lights are dimmed. Your photographer may encourage you to leave the lights turned up based on his/her skill set or lighting equipment but, really… it’s such a buzzkill. Dim the chandeliers and turn up the party lights. Tim Toms Photography was the photographer for this event and did an amazing job!